Field Name | Type (max length) |
Required MandatoryOptional |
Description |
ProductCode | String(25) | M | A code by which the merchant internally references their item. |
Description | String(100) | M | Human readable description of the merchant's item. |
Price | Decimal | M | Cost of ONE unit of a sale item. VAT inclusive. |
Quantity | Numeric | M | Number of items ordered for the specific product. |
VatRate | Decimal | M | VAT rate applied to a unique item expressed as a whole-value percentage (e.g. 15.0). Please default to 0 in the interim. |
Sub-Total | Decimal | M | Product Total Cost (Price * Quantity) |
Delivery | Boolean | M | Indicates if delivery should be in included in product total cost. Default to FALSE. |
ProductTotal | Decimal | M | Basket Total Cost |
Field Name | Type (max length) |
Required MandatoryOptional |
Description |
URL ^ | String(256) | M | The Merchant's URL to which the Payment Broker will send the Payment Gateway credit–card checkout responses. |
Type | Numeric | M | One of: 1 (POST); 2 (GET); 3 (DELETE), 4 (PUT) |
Template | String | M |
Webhooks template defined by the merchant in which Payment Gateway responses will be sent to the specified destination and populated with the template fields. The template definition MUST be BASE64 encoded. See section 4.6. Webhooks for further detail. |
ContentType | String | O |
The Content Type of the data being sent via the webhook. Set this if your content type is not the default value. Default 'application/Json' |